A distance gap is a tough challenge for couples. Many guys are certain that a geographically apart relationship has no chance to survive. On the one hand, it's hard to maintain relations when your girlfriend/boyfriend is located in another country. You are likely to have different time zones, everyday timetables, you feel a lack of physical contact, and so on.
However, everything has the reverse side of the coin. A distance is your exam. If it's passed, your couple will be rewarded with genuine love and pure emotions. From this long-read, you'll find out how to do long-distance relationships and make the thousands of miles work on you.
Before we start with tips, let us show you the most significant benefits of the long-distance thing:
- you can test how strong is your mutual feelings;
- the simple things such as kisses, touches, eatings, and walks together will be more valuable;
- distance teaches us to work as a team;
- it's a good opportunity for introverts to start a relationship.
It's very good for us that we live in the age of social networks, messengers, and video calls. Maintaining relationships at a distance of hundreds or thousands of miles has never been so easy and pleasant than nowadays. Thus, find the rules for long-distance relationships below to build strong bonds and don't lose the spark in communication with a beloved person of yours.
Respect your Partner's Personal Space
This tip stands for both offline and online interactions. Don't try to control every single step of your partner - let him/her breathe quietly. Some couples make the same mistake - they're bothering one another 12 hours in a row. All pleasant feelings and emotions will be volatilized at some point. The only feeling left will be exhaustion and tiredness. If you don't want this, respect your partner's private space.
Don't get us wrong. We want to say that excessive communication may be harmful to healthy relationships. More isn't necessarily better. This implies our next rule.
Quality is Better than Quantity
One of the tips for long-distance relationships tells us that qualitative communication is more valuable. We must behave creatively. First of all, you always have time to think before sending a message or an e-mail. In normal "offline" life we sometimes make a mistake - before we say, we don't think. And this is a common reason for following misunderstandings and disputes. Online interaction is deprived of this risk.
Secondly, remember to write greetings in the morning and evening. Try to make them personalized and special. Moreover, thanks to different apps you can share pictures, videos, emojis, and stickers. Let your girlfriend feel closer. Don't spam tons of messages. Everything must be in moderation.
Enrich Communication With New Emotions
Many people wonder how to have a strong long-distance relationship without having physical contact. Our experience shows us that it's possible. You just have to be confident and stubborn.
Feel free to flirt with your girlfriend/boyfriend. Sexual connection is a significant component of a healthy relationship. This includes sex along with emotions. Thus, you should try to write some messages with sexual overtones. The most liberated couples can try even virtual sex. Be sure such innovations will enrich communication with new emotions and feelings even at a distance.
Do Things as if You're Together
How do you usually spend time with your significant other in normal life? You have eating outs together, watch movies after work, have walked in parks or whatever. It's a good idea to do the same things when you're geographically apart. The next rule for long-distance relationships says: behave as if you're not separated by hundreds of miles.
Today's technology gives us much free space to turn our ideas into realities. You can battle in online-games together, enjoy TV-movies or Youtube videos simultaneously, do housework, or any other activity while video-calling or talking on a phone.
Make Plans
If your goal is to build a traditional relationship, you should have a clear vision of your future. Living at a distance cannot last forever.
Think about how long you are planning to communicate from different parts of the Globe. What is your final aim? Discuss these topics and set explicit goals. Impose a deadline when you're going to be physically together. It's a good motivation.
Remember Your Timetables
How to do long-distance relationships if you live in different time zones? Be ready to find a compromise. For instance, you can make a video-call with your girlfriend at 8 pm. But if she lives on another continent, it can be night or early morning there. She is likely sleeping or doing her daily routine.
To avoid misunderstandings you should discuss one another's timetable and get in touch at the appointed time. Even if you're in the same country, it's better to know your partner's day plan in order not to disturb him/her at an inopportune moment.
Remember about Video Calls
Much has been said about messengers and different social networks. Yes, we live in a world where short texts rule the show. And sending SMS via Telegram, Line, Whatsapp, or other apps is an important part of our online interaction. But the rules for long-distance relationships remind us of making phone calls or video calls.
It's hard to convey emotions with letters. It's much more pleasant to hear your partner's voice, look into his/her eyes, and feel as if you're close to each other.
Don't Rely Only on Technology
One real postcard or a bouquet of flowers will be more appreciated than dozens of emojis or stickers in chats. Ask your beloved person his/her home address and make a surprise - send some special gifts now and then.
Having something physical from your spouse gives feelings of his/her presence in your life. Thanks to delivery services you may send whatever you want: toys, flowers, jewelry, lingerie, and so on.
Let the Small Details Work on You
The following tip for long-distance relationships says: don't underestimate the value of small details in your life. What does it mean? If you have no idea of a partner's life, your couple will grow apart at some point.
When you have a dialogue, ask about his/her day, what was good and what was annoying during the day, how is he/she planning to relax after working hours, and so on. We usually do the same when we're not separated from a distance. But for a long-distance relationship, this tip has special importance.
Essential Component of Successful Relations is Trust
Trust is a foundation of strong bonds between men and women. Of course, it's easier to lie when you're geographically apart and some people make a mistake. They keep in secret other love affairs, hanging out with friends, life problems, etc. But the truth will out when the time is right. And then such kind of relations will be doomed to failure.
Be honest with yourself and your partner. If you've decided to build up to something more than just an online friendship, get into the habit, to tell the truth.
Use Social Networks
The list of tips for long-distance relationships wouldn't be complete if we didn't mention the active use of social networks like Facebook or Instagram. Share interesting content on each other's walls, like photos and short clips. You may also comment on posts. In a word, show your interest to him/her. This kind of activity online is a way of demonstrating your care.
Try Old-School Methods of Communication
When was the last time you sent a snail-mail postcard to anybody? There were times when people couldn't use instant messaging. They had to write a letter on a sheet of paper, buy stamps and envelopes and forward it by post. It was a long but romantic process.
In the 21st century, if you send a postcard, a letter, or even a small gift by post, we bet your partner will be pleased and surprised. We are used to keeping memories and pleasant moments in physical objects.
Be Positive
You may think it's the most obvious rule among the other rules for long-distance relationships, but it's really important to stay positive. Waiting is challenging thus you should clearly understand what is your final aim. Stay positive and motivated.
Enjoy Moments of Being Alone
Being alone and being lonely aren't equal things. Use this period of your life to spend more time with close friends and relatives or even with yourself. Don't lose this opportunity to self-develop, read books, and learn something new.
Plan a Visit to Your Significant Other
Neither phone conversations nor video calls can be a substitute for real face-to-face dates, physical touches, kisses, and so on. Therefore, don't put your life on a stand by mode - travel to your partner as soon as possible.