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Profile photo Ukrainian women Natalya

Natalya, 44

ID 5479 Date of birth: October 20, 1980 ♎ Libra
Ukraine, Zaporizhia Offline
  • Height
    160 cm (5' 3'')
  • Weight
    70 kg (154.3 lbs)
  • Eyes color
  • Hair color
  • Children
    • , 55 y.o.

      Date of birth: March 14

  • Smoking
  • Drinking
  • About me:
    I am the vivid example of a statement that the passions and preferences of a person are identified in the childhood! I was born in the place full of wonderful nature, with amazing views, but unfortunately with missing goods of civilization at that time. This taught me that in order to get something, you need to work for this. Like if you want to cook something or take a bath you have to bring water from the dwell. From that time I am not afraid of work and know that no circumstances will brake me! My childhood also gave me to love to nature, this is how I have chosen my profession of biologist and ecologist. I love my work and the biggest bonus of it that I can do it anywhere!
  • My hobbies:
    But the most important thing that the childhood gave me is my understanding of how relationships work. When my mother was out or working late sometimes my father's friends were coming to visit my dad. They were sitting in the kitchen, drinking bear and of course talking about women. From their conversations I found out that beer with a friend on the Friday night is sacred for a man, that a woman should be sexy for her man and that stockings work a lot better than aphrodisiacs. I heard a lot of o
  • My profession:
  • Age
    38 - 55
  • Children
  • Drinking
  • Smoking
  • About my partner:
    To give you a full impression of me I will tell you about a man I am looking for. There is only one criteria for me that matters – is this a man who will support my passions and sometimes do crazy things with me or not! Attractive body and beautiful face will not make you happy if you are bored with a person, agree? So I am looking for a man with whom no matter what we do we will have a lot of real and sincere fun!