It's a pleasure for me to be here on this site. My best friends say I'm very reliable, honest, kind-hearted, sincere and understanding friend. I try to be like this with every single person. In my opinion this life is a chance to be a better version of yourself, to learn lessons and to be useful for this world.
My hobbies:
Reading, Cooking, Traveling, Sports
My profession:
40 - 59
About my partner:
I really hope that I can meet a special person, who will have same values as me.I would like my future partner to be mature, independent, family-oriented, intelligent, patient, calm with a big heart and a good sense of humor. I know that if we love each other, we will always be able to find a compromise building a strong and loving family. I believe in destiny and luck, I'm sure that every day gives us a chance to find each other living in different countries. For love there are no boundaries!
Contact informationYou can start communication with the lady you like directly via her email or Skype account.That to get Skype and contact email address of a lady you will be charged 199 coins.That to get this information please fill in your email address and the contact information of a lady will be sent to your email.